About me

Mind of an ethicist, a philosopher at heart, late-Rousseau in my soul.

Writing about ethics of AI, mainly on the machine learning and algorithm level, but commenting artificial general intelligence, too.

Researching AI developers as ethical change agents in the context of AI ethics. I am generally interested in human agency, collective responsibility and models of shared agency.

- Cofounder in Turku AI Society, a university think-tank
https://marshallai.com/- AI Ethics Specialist, Marshall AI 
- Member of the work group on AI Ethics by The Finnish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
- An Ambassador in the group Millennial Board AI

I offer consulting and lecturing on AI Ethics. Contact and further information: https://vaiste.com/technology-and-ai-ethics

Working on:
- Guide to AI Ethics booklet
- Literature review: responsible AI
- Economical Inequality in the Machine Learning Era (conference paper)
- AI Ethics -course: working as an external expert for the course been planned and developed by the University of Helsinki
- Ethical framework for AI solutions in the facility management (buildings, built environments)



You might meet me here

Turku.ai Meetup
AI & Society Meetup
AI Helsinki


University of Turku, philosophy, in the course "Ethics of Safety and Well-Being in the Nordic Society". 14.10.2020.
Ethicomp conference. Algorithms, Society and Economic Inequality. 28.6.2020.
Laurea University of Applied Sciences. Visitor lecture. 23.4.2020.
AlmaTalent, Teknologiajuristi - AI & Responsibility. Brief review of AI ethics. 18.3.2020.
Uni. Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. Ethics of AI from the perspective of tech developers. 31.1.2020. 
Rajapintapäivät, Espoo. Perceiving the programmers’ attitudes towards AI ethics and ethical design. 8.11.2019.
Laurea University of Applied Sciences. Visitor lecture. 7.11.2019.
AI Business Academy, University of Turku. Introduction to  AI Ethics & Law. 4.11.2019.
Turku School of Economics. Technology and Organizational Practices. 28.10.2019.
Laurea University of Applied Sciences. Visitor lecture. 6.9.2019.
NFF Nordic Academy of Management 2019. The demand for ethical AI: Who will take responsibility for the ethical conduct? Vaasa, 22.8.2019.
Internation Conference on Ethics. An integrated approach of ethics, law and corporate responsibility: An analysis of smart security robots. Porto, 20.6.2019. 
European Facility Management Conference. Creating an ethical framework for applying artificial intelligence in FM. Dublin, 13.6.2019.
Kaneettiklubi, Turku. 22.5.2019.
​Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Yhteiskuntavastuullisen johtamisen kurssi). Introduction to AI Ethics. Espoo, 16.5.2019.
Biocenter Oulu Day - Nature Meets Technology. Uni. Oulu, 9.4.2019.
Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Yhteiskuntavastuullisen johtamisen kurssi). Introduction to AI Ethics. Espoo, 6.4.2019.
University of Turku, Department of Philosophy. The Effects of Information Technology (and AI) on Business Ethics. 2.4.2019.
The Finnish Population Register Centre. Presentation of AI Ethics. 12.2.2019.
Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Course: Responsible Management). Introduction to AI Ethics. Espoo, 2.2.2019.
Laurea (Course: Visionary Management). Introduction to AI Ethics. Espoo, 15.12.2018.
Helsingin Ekonomit - Nuoret Ekonomit. Introduction to AI Ethics from the Perspective of Corporate Social Responsibility. Helsinki, 28.11.2018.
Robot and AI ethics: Dialogue between Europe and East Asia. Presentation for the workshop "AI Developers as Ethical Agents". Turku, 22.-23.11.2018. Website.
European Robotics Week, the main event in Finland. Host of the AI track. Turku, 21.11.2018. Website.
Hyte AiRo Kick-off. Introduction to AI Ethics - from the perspective of social services and healthcare. Helsinki, 20.11.2018. Website.
Rajapintapäivät. AI Developers as Ethical Change Agents. Espoo, 16.11.2018. Website.
Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Course: Responsible Management). Introduction to AI Ethics. Espoo, 9.11.2018.
Turku School of Economics Executive Education and Development. Introduction to AI Ethics - from the perspective of social services and healthcare. Turku, 25.10.
Seminar on Technology Ethics. Turku 11.10.2018. Website.
Arvoseminaari, panel discussion. Oulu 9.10.2018. Website.
AI & Design: Design, Ethics & Social Robots. Turku 3.10.2018. Slides.
Valohai - a machine learning company. Intro to AI Ethics. Turku 3.9.2018.
Aalto University. Introduction to AI Ethics - with a Design Twist. Helsinki 16.8.2018.
SuomiAreena: Would you trust AI more than humans Pori 19.7. https://campaigns.tieto.com/fi/suomiareena
Ministy of Finance. In Finnish: Tietopoliittisen selonteon etiikkaverkosto. Helsinki 4.6.2018. Slides
AI & Society: Pre-Bostrom, what's up AGI? Turku, 15.5.2018. Presentation 1 (Intro to Nick Bostrom) and presentation 2 (Review on AGI Safety Reseach)
TIEKE, Suomi tekoälyn paalupaikalle. Turku 15.2.2018. Observations from the Turku AI Week. Slideshare
FOKS 2017. Jyväskylä, 24.11.2017. Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence. Slideshare
Turku AI Society, Tuesday Talks: Ethics of AI. Turku, 21.11.2017. Blog
Team Day of the Turku Science Park. Turku, 17.11.2017. AI for Industries. Slideshare

Reading right now

Autumn 2019. 

Ortega y Gasset, J. (translated: Immonen, A.) (2006). Meditatión de la técnica (Ajatuksia tekniikasta). Tampere: Eurooppalaisen filosofian seura.
Virtaranta, P. & Tšesnakova, A. V. (1994). Lyydiläisiä tekstejä: 6, Anna Vasiljeva Tšesnakovan kerrontaa ja itkuvirsiä. Helsinki: Suomalais-ugrilainen seura.
Singer, P. (translated: Tuomikoski, A.) (2016). The Most Good You Can Do (Paras tapa auttaa). Helsinki: Viisas Elämä.
Kivistö, S. & Pihlström, S. (2018). Sivistyksen puolustus: Miksi akateemista elämää tarvitaan? [Helsinki]: Gaudeamus.